Moolenaar Supports Legislation to Honor World War II "Ghost Army"

Press Release

Date: Feb. 5, 2021

Today, Congressman John Moolenaar signed on as a co-sponsor of the Ghost Army Congressional Gold Medal Act, which would honor the 1,100 members of a World War II Army unit commonly known as the Ghost Army. The Congressional Gold Medal is one of our nation's highest honors and it has been awarded to many veterans of World War II.

"I am proud to support this legislation to honor these heroes of the Greatest Generation and give them the recognition they earned fighting for our nation," said Congressman Moolenaar. "The courageous efforts of the Ghost Army helped win World War II and ensure a better future for our nation and the world."

The Ghost Army was an 1,100-member unit during World War II, officially known as the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, and it was charged with the work of deceiving the German military. Its successful use of fake radio transmissions, inflatable tanks, and other deceptions has been covered by a PBS documentary and by other national media outlets, including The Atlantic. Sixteen members of the unit are still living today.

The bipartisan legislation is supported by more than 200 members of Congress.
